Monday, November 10, 2008

I hate blogging.
I think our robot is finally finished... wow... never thought it would happen. It absolutely DOMINATED zacs and tobys robot... it actually flipped it two times! twas mint as... this is a print screen of ELLAS amazing programming... i had nothing to do with this masterpeice. i was the constuctioner extrodinare..

The programming includes a wait 5 seconds, then if it sees white, reverse one rotation, if not, spin untill it sees something,then goes towards it. when it gets close enough, 15 cm away, its lifter lifts up to flip the robot.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Day eight..
wow... ok this is a huge step for mankind...or well maybe just y13computergeekkind...
JOSH posting a blog. for once hahahaha. well my paragraphs are "unstructured" (quote ms Wallace) deal with it.

OK so today we had the problem of the ultrasonic sensor facing upwards too far so the robot couldn't actually see anything... so it was josh to the rescue with his amazing building skills and the problem was quickly fixed.

had a few little battles. beat Mr Ross's a few times, lost a few times. he has the advantage when he is face on, but we do when back to back.

our lifter is being problematic.
Day seven...
still working on the programming.
Trying to establish the best amount of rotation for the flipper, so it will go up far enough without breaking.
also, the gearing slipped easily, so we put a smaller cog on, and made it tighter. Allowing less speed but more power. power is needed for lifting the other robots.
created a separate program for each function, so its easier to troubleshoot.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Day six again..
And.. guess what :)
Yeah it finally happened.
Heres some screen shots...
It has a light sensor, so if it sees light it reverses one rotation. This will make it not go past the white line, and therefore not go out of the ring.
If it doesnt see light. it spins in circles till it sees an object, then it goes towards it at 100 speed, then, if the touch sensor is activated our lifter lifts up. and now, im trying to make it so it goes back down after release. THis will cause it to flip, or off balance the other robots.
Also, Joshs bottom was uneven and unstable, so Ella fixed it :)
Its been a good day.
Day six. start of period..
We are GOING to do some programming today.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Day Five.
Still building the cute little robot.
Decided on a having a lifter, and still establishing our structure.
The programming must be really done once we at least have a basic outline of our robot.
It looks like this at the moment, and our programming looks like this.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Day Four...
And Josh came back.
Doesnt like my robot.
SO he is making a new one. Again.
We are such a great team :)
But really, its quite good trial and error. Now we need to really get into the programming.
This period will probably be spent building again... This is our base.

Day Three... Josh was away. and his was not going so well. -------->
so Ella destroyed it.
Much to Josh's disgust :)
So anyway.
Here are some before during and afters.
I think that my design is far superior, contrary to a few, 'its small and cute' comments.
It has a stable base, and effective pushing wall.
Still working on it, but yeah.
See what Josh thinks..

Monday, October 20, 2008

Day two of our Robot creation.
Still working on a basic, stable base for our robot.
Made a really cool, but thouroughly unnessicary claw. Call it getting to know the lego..
Created a design, although somewhat unlike our plans, looks like it could work.
Need to try out some programming today. To get it to be able to move, and turn corners.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Day one.. yo its josh and ella here and this our out robot adventure.... lol and yea we r geeks... deal with it... so we are trying to sort out a stable base and maximum rubber on the ground for good traction.. we also need to figure out the NXT program...